Primary, Secondary School Parents Talks 

Online safety talk for parents, on zoom 8 pm or earlier. 300 plus parents' talks done.  

  • Very young children just starting on their first devices
  • Older teenagers dealing with gaming, social media and phone addiction
  • We've advised, re-assured 1,000s of parents worldwide. 

'A fantastic presentation about ‘online safety for parents’ @BeSecureOnline1 at @GreenwichSSch. Twitter June 2022'


Worldwide in English (US bookings by arrangement) | Latest start 8pm London

Parental Talk  5 mins Video

Biggest Issues Junior/Primary School

  • Parental control
  • Gaming
  • ROBLOX, Fortnite, Minecraft, League of Legends.
  • Headphone dangers, What is a Public Server?
  • The right amount of time online, phone or gaming
  • Social Media, especially TikTok
  • Can I block content on kids' devices?
  • What is Snapchat? Is it dangerous for my child?

Senior School Parents

What we tell Senior School parents

  • Sexting and the damage done.
  • What is said about Sexting based on their age in the school
  • TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram. We break all of them down.
  • Especially TikTok
  • Gaming - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
  • Learn to win, not lose online
  • What Kids are doing online
  • The Police, The Law, Border Control, Encryption
  • Teenagers don't know everything
  • Finally, Online Reputation, what it means, How to get a good one.

Online Predators work

  • What predators are doing online
  • How to spot a predator
  • How predators behave

Facebook say you are more likely to be bullied with 1000's of followers

Pre-session questionnaire 

Allows us to see your concerns & prepare the talk in advance
We have sample text for inviting parents to talk

Join our E-Mail Club

Join our email club for free, normally $95
After our talk, follow up on safety with our helpful e-mails


As a class teacher this has been so informative and I can’t wait to pass information to other teachers.

Taylor Brooks; Teacher, Kingway Primary, February 22nd 2022..

Thank you for a great presentation

Lorraine Bovington;Parent, Thorn Grove Primary, February 9th 2022, Zoom chat comment.

Graham presented a live online session to our parents about online safety. The uptake for this was much larger than we have had previously for ‘face to face’ presentations and is certainly the way to go we feel. The content was spot on and covered areas that were both generic and also parent led (based on the pre-presentation questionnaires completed by our parents). Graham has an extensive knowledge of current trends to be aware of in such areas as social media, YouTube, Google, and has easy to follow steps on how to ensure students / children access these safely. His website BeSecureOnline also has a vast amount of information that our parents who attended can now access. I’d recommend Graham Mulhern everytime.

Jamie Macdonald-Brown Assistant Headteacher - Head of Inclusion, Twyford CofE High School, London Email Nov 2021

Parents and I thought you were engaging; it became apparent when we unmuted our mics, for everyone to share their gratitude. It has since made me consider many more app settings. We will look into sustaining such practical cybersecurity discussions at our school, in a practical and matter-of-fact manner during our co-curricular space. I would be more than happy to give you a recommendation for your service. With appreciation for your engagement, and until next time.

Viktor Novakovski American International School of Bucharest. Feb2021

Very grateful for talk, delivered in 40 minutes as requested, good Job!

Barclays CapitalLondon, Sept 2021

Thank you so much, a lovely talk, delivered perfectly and effectively for our Schools parents, Gracias'.

Verónica Sánchez SEK Qatar. Jan 2021

Talk was amazing, Thank you.

Natasha Drew Blackrock College. March 2018

A perfect Lunch & Learn talk for our team all over Europe, nearly 100 people there. Tips, tricks and interesting facts. The Poll at the end said 100% of attendees would recommend talk, I've never seen anyone even ask that question in a Zoom Poll. 

AliX Partners, London, Rome Nov 2021 

Thanks very much to Graham for delivering a really interesting talk (Zoom) for all the parents of our school. The talk really uncovered and showcased to us all how many of the new Apps that we know are on our children's phones / tablets / play stations, but really didn't know anything about. Many of our parents commented that they were 'shocked' at the revelations but that they now felt better equipped to put measures in place to protect their children online thanks to the advice on this presentation. One of our parents summed it up best, "I just felt that the children, even the youngest ones, were so far ahead of me in terms of what they know about these gadgets, at least now I've caught up, I still haven't passed them out, but I know now how to set the privacy settings which means a lot to me". A very informative, interesting and well run presentation..

Matthew McArdle Redeemer School Parents. Feb 2021

I thought it was very informative and interesting. I hadn’t ever thought about talking to parents about VPNs and the like so it was a totally fresh approach. Thank you very much! 😊

Sarah Baker, ICT & Safeguard LeadPixie Primary Herts. May 2022 
  • Parents Request

  • - -



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Posted by Graham Mulhern on Sunday, November 17, 2024 Views: 399

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