Internet Safety Talks Business, Lunch & Learn

Internet Safety Talks Business Lunch & Learn

Internet Safety Talks for Business, Lunch and Learn
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E-Mail Scams
3 Tips & Tricks to improve safety today!

What they Say

We needed some one special to grab the attention of our World Cup squad travelling to Russia for World Cup 2018. Players have a lot to protect and short attention spans, we gave you 30 minutes, you did a great job. Thank you.

Gareth SouthgateEngland Manager

Email Scams. The Open Gate to online crime

  • What is email fraud?
  • Example of email fraud.
  • How to protect yourself and your organisation from Email fraud.
  • EndPoint Protection is NOT perfect.
  • It's not just C-Level executives at risk, it is everyone in the business.
  • We will remind staff of the 3 simple steps that improve their email security three times over.

Book a Lunch & Learn IT Safety Talk for your staff!

Highly #Recommended Speakers for IT safety. 



  • 123456 is the world's most popular password, as it has been, for the last 30 years
  • Liverpool FC is Football club, not a password
  • Separate Passwords by 1. Financial 2. Shopping 3. Fun & Personal
  • Magic Button - password reset button in or once they’re in, you are out. Explain how this works.
  • Use a Password Manager ( for example)
  • Has you email password been hacked.

The curious case of Yevgeniy Nikulin

  • Russian who ripped off LinkedIn, Dropbox
  • Made Millions from selling data, Drove around Moscow in Bentley, RRs, Mercedes
  • Posted his life and cars on Instagram
  • Arrested in Prague, pursued by American courts
  • 5 years in Czech Jail, extradited to California
  • FBI wanted him to accept Russia hacking in 2016 election
  • Found guilty, Fined 1.5 million, Expressed no regret, irritated Judge Alsup
  • Wrote to Judge requesting access to his games online 
  • Now 33, sentenced to a further 3 years in jail in US


  • It’s not just Granny fodder anymore,
  • Phishers way smarter now.
  • Execution is very professional Double check, Don’t press unknown links, Check the source
  • We’ll have slides to demonstrate
  • Your email inbox is your No.1 vulnerability, a direct line to you.
  • The criminal's best chance Common sense is your best defence

Hacking/Data Loss

  • What is this GDPR
  • Compels organisations to reveal losses,
  • Why many still don't,
  • When Verizon bought Yahoo they got a $450ml off-price owing to hacking
  • Now customers are getting a share of $150ml payout from Verizon

Be Secure Online - Internet Safety for Business

Contact us, to book a talk or for more information

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CrowdStrike blames Massive Microsoft Outage On ‘Logic Error’ In Falcon Update

The July 2024 CrowdStrike-Microsoft incident led to a global IT outage, impacting numerous sectors, including airlines, healthcare, and the financial industry. Microsoft reverted to type and blamed everyone else. Here is our overview of the Incident

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Posted by Graham Mulhern on Thursday, July 25, 2024 Views: 18


Your best customer just received an email from you, which you didn't send. What's Next?

Make sure your organisation's emails are received as sent, not changed by criminals, or interfered with in any way. So your customers, suppliers, partners and employees never get an email you did not send. Defending your email integrity, and sender reputation every day


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Posted by Graham Mulhern on Thursday, April 18, 2024 Views: 1190