
Be Secure Online Blog

Internet Safety Talks for Children - 5th, 6th Class (Age 10-12)

Instagram & Snapchat

For ages 10-12, we chat to classes about both platforms and what they have to be careful of and why these platforms pose a risk for them. Children often create multiple accounts and neglect important privacy settings. Our talks help kids understand the importance of their privacy and why it’s dangerous and "uncool” to showcase their lives online.

Importance of privacy settings

Privacy settings are crucial for online protection. Social Media allows us to contact friends and family far and wide, but this also provides predators and cybercriminals with access to unsuspecting children. We explain "stranger danger" and how to stay safe online while using Social Media.

Internet safety for kids UK

Cyberbullying, online behaviour, what to do when bullied

Keyboard warriors are often the worst type of bully. Cyberbullying has devastating effects on children and can lead to depression, anxiety, poor performance at school, self-harm and in many cases, suicide.

Our talks explain what to do when being bullied online. We also speak directly to common bully issues faced by children on a day to day basis – avoiding cyberbullies, online behaviour and how to report online gaming bullying.

E Safety for Kids / E safety for Parents

We share useful information - E-Safety dangers, E-Safety tips, E-Safety facts, and E-Safety rules for at-home internet use and on mobile devices.

Block, Delete, Select Friends carefully, No Proxy accounts

Although children are exposed on Social Media, they have the power to control who they allow on their friends list, they can block contacts and select friends on their on the accord. 

We explain the control they have over their profiles and why it’s important to be selective with the friends they interact with online. This is a vital part of combatting social media predators and keeping online interactions fun. In gaming, if anyone enters the game, especially important to block, report, delete and or move away. For instance, if a new player just destroys everything around without being social, or acting aggressively, just end the game or move on. 

Chasing Likes & Followers

Social Media and instant gratification go hand-in-hand. Children chase likes and followers in an attempt to feel better about themselves, more confident, and seem popular. This opens them up to many dangers and makes them extremely vulnerable to predators. We have a recommendation of no more than a 100 or so friends, and followers on social media, the less the better. Police forces around the world guide the lower the better, especially for younger children. Fewer friends, less bullying. 

Important Internet Safety Topics

As children prepare for senior school, sexting and additional relevant topics must be considered. We have developed an age-appropriate, informative, interactive method to address E-Safety directly. It’s all about the consequences, not being tempted into it, being ready to say 'No' in advance and what to do once it's happened.

Sexting can have disturbing results and kids need to be aware of the consequences right from the word go.

Trending Online Topics

Internet Safety Talks for Parents & PTAs – Keeping Kids Safe Online

We also provide E-Safety talks for parents, PTA groups, SNAs, and Christain or faith-based groups.

Our team is delighted to speak to parent groups on the same day as speaking with their children - before school, at lunchtime or in the evening. We share important E-Safety information regarding phone safety, and social media and explain social networks that often baffle our older generations.

We update parents on what topics were spoken about with their children. We share internet safety tips and tricks, and internet safety rules to enforce – helping parents combat phone use in the home - including available parental control software.

Kids who know the boundaries of phones and social media are more equipped to face the challenges these technologies present. They are more likely to succeed in the future; and more likely to have real friends; and enjoy better health in every way.

Parents are invited to download our free Internet Safety Guide eBook. A great resource that caters to internet safety for beginners, E-Safety for parents and how to maintain child online protection.

BeSecureOnline - Internet Safety Talks for Kids UK

Contact us, for more information or to book an internet safety talk for kids in your school. You can also view case studies and more testimonials about our safety talks here.

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