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parental control app

Rules for Kids aged 5-8 on Smartphones, Devices

We've updated our guidelines for 5-8-year-olds on phones, everything changed over COVID19. Parents, Schools need updated guidance on time limits, phone addiction, games, YouTube and TikTok. The game is changing, parents need to be more vigilant than before. It's not getting easier.

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The Best antivirus software for protecting your connected devices

You need the best online family anti-virus protection, we evaluated five of the best Norton, McAfee, etc. Here's our recommendation and it is no great surprise.

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Setting Parental Controls on Windows 10

MS Windows 10 is the current operating system. Here's a screen by screen demonstration of how to set up parental control for kids internet safety. Note; only works on Microsoft products including Xbox.

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Kids go around age verification

Kids can easily bypass the age verification on Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and WhatsApp lying about their age, according to a new research study. New 2021 study reveals that social media do not stop kids from lying about their age.

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VPNs, V-Bucks, Fortnite, TikTok, Internet safety explained.

Kids bamboozled you with VPNs and V-Bucks? Makes you feel a bit out of your parenting depth keeping the kids safe online. Surveys find somewhere between half and a third of parents give up and let their kids use the internet without any restrictions. Don't give up!

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Why we recommend F Secure SAFE for parental control

We like F-Secure safe as it is simple, well designed and an excellent parental control App with everything parents need to keep their kids safe online, improves their digital wellbeing including sleeping, eating properly and exercise. We recommend it!

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Ten great reasons to use parental controls

We wouldn't let our kids jump on a motorbike without showing them how to ride it safely. However every day of the week thousands of kids hit the internet for the first time without any instruction. Let's change that.

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Making TikTok Private

When you create a TikTok account your profile is automatically made public so that anyone can follow you and view your videos, but if you want to prevent strangers from seeing your content, TikTok lets you make your account private at any time.

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Guide for your Under 4 year old on Devices, Internet.

Practical, real tips about parental control updated to the COVID19 update. Tips, Tricks and advise for parents. Introducing parental control for parents which is the setting up of phone to protect kids and others includes some never seen before tips

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Internet Safety for Pre Schoolers

Babies, Toddlers & Pre Schoolers on Devices

Nowadays, kids are being introduced to phones in the maternity ward. New parents have to manage their new life parenting, work and technology, including phones, which most times are required by work so the phone can't be avoided. As well as having to look after your newborn, juggle how to manage your babies' exposure to devices and the internet. 

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