
Be Secure Online Blog

From monthly archives: March 2020

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'March 2020'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Internet Safety for Pre Schoolers

Babies, Toddlers & Pre Schoolers on Devices

Nowadays, kids are being introduced to phones in the maternity ward. New parents have to manage their new life parenting, work and technology, including phones, which most times are required by work so the phone can't be avoided. As well as having to look after your newborn, juggle how to manage your babies' exposure to devices and the internet. 

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Installing Freedome VPN on iPhone

Here is how you install Freedome VPN on iPhone.

To watch the BBC iPlayer, follow these steps for installing on an iPhone. Apple has changed things up a little on the iPhone. Follow these steps.

Before VPN this is how it looks.. The BBC

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Finally, the list you really need!

Text is one of the main ways kids avoid being caught by parents. Text is now commonplace in everything so much so it's officially becoming part of the language.  102. 420 – Marijuana, 104. CD9 – Code 9 – it means parents are around, 108. NIFOC – Nude In Front Of The Computer

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