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I would recommend BeSecureOnline everytime.

Mr J MacDonald Browne Twyford CofE School, Acton, London

"Myself, and the senior classes of Strabraggan N.S. just attended the BeSecure Online zoom talk. The talk was very informative and proved very beneficial for the children. It was clear they learned some important information and ways to stay safe while using apps and online websites. I would definitely recommend the talk to other students and teachers.

Elaine Hamilton Strabraggan N.S

Spoke to over 300 parents, every child in the school from 7 years of age, we were very happy with the talks, and recommend their service strongly

Graine McGowan Mount Anville Primary

Delighted we invited their team to speak with kids and parents

Camilla McDonald The Mulberry School, West Hempstad, London

Your talk yesterday was incredible

Joan Devlin Foxrock Pastoral Centre, Co Dublin

We needed an english speaking firm to cover E safety for us, so glad we found your firm. We've recommended you to other schools in our company

Andrew Wulfers Principal Swiss International School, Basel


Your best customer just received an email from you, which you didn't send. What's Next?

Make sure your organisation's emails are received as sent, not changed by criminals, or interfered with in any way. So your customers, suppliers, partners and employees never get an email you did not send. Defending your email integrity, and sender reputation every day


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Posted by Graham Mulhern on Thursday, April 18, 2024 Views: 1190